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Oprah, Danielle Brooks on "The Color Purple"
First on "CBS Mornings," Oprah Winfrey and award-winning actor and singer Danielle Brooks are live in studio to discuss the highly-anticipated musical adaptation of "The Color Purple." They discuss the advice Winfrey — who starred as "Sofia" in the original film — gave Brooks for the role and how the role is helping Brooks break barriers in the industry.
Streaming Weekdays

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Oprah, Danielle Brooks on "The Color Purple"
First on "CBS Mornings," Oprah Winfrey and award-winning actor and singer Danielle Brooks are live in studio to discuss the highly-anticipated musical adaptation of "The Color Purple." They discuss the advice Winfrey — who starred as "Sofia" in the original film — gave Brooks for the role and how the role is helping Brooks break barriers in the industry.
Streaming Weekdays