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Mo Willems on big anniversary
Mo Willems' cantankerous and beloved creature, The Pigeon, turns 20 this year and he is celebrating in grand style. Willems talks to "CBS Mornings" about the new edition of "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" as well as his new humor book for adults "Be the Bus" and he shares a game to encourage families to doodle together.
Streaming Weekdays

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Mo Willems on big anniversary
Mo Willems' cantankerous and beloved creature, The Pigeon, turns 20 this year and he is celebrating in grand style. Willems talks to "CBS Mornings" about the new edition of "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" as well as his new humor book for adults "Be the Bus" and he shares a game to encourage families to doodle together.
Streaming Weekdays