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Inside look at "Never Seen Again" new season
The Paramount+ docuseries "Never Seen Again" returned for a fourth season Tuesday. The new season begins with a two-part report on 15-year-old Kristen Galvan, who went missing in 2020. Houston police and her mother discovered that she was taken by a sex-trafficker. Rachel Fischer, a forensic nurse and trafficking survivor, joins "CBS Mornings" to discuss.
Streaming Weekdays
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Inside look at "Never Seen Again" new season
The Paramount+ docuseries "Never Seen Again" returned for a fourth season Tuesday. The new season begins with a two-part report on 15-year-old Kristen Galvan, who went missing in 2020. Houston police and her mother discovered that she was taken by a sex-trafficker. Rachel Fischer, a forensic nurse and trafficking survivor, joins "CBS Mornings" to discuss.
Streaming Weekdays