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Kim Jong Un, Putin to meet in Russia
A U.S. official tells CBS News that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un plans to travel to Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir Putin to discuss the possibility of supplying Russia with more weapons for its ongoing war with Ukraine, among other subjects. CBS News' Imtiaz Tyab reports from Kyiv on how both Ukraine and Russia are looking to resupply weapons as the war grinds on.
Streaming Weekdays

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Kim Jong Un, Putin to meet in Russia
A U.S. official tells CBS News that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un plans to travel to Russia this month to meet with President Vladimir Putin to discuss the possibility of supplying Russia with more weapons for its ongoing war with Ukraine, among other subjects. CBS News' Imtiaz Tyab reports from Kyiv on how both Ukraine and Russia are looking to resupply weapons as the war grinds on.
Streaming Weekdays