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The Dish: Jones Bar-B-Q Diner
In our series "The Dish," we're taking you to one of America's oldest Black-owned restaurants. Jones Bar-B-Q Diner has been serving customers in a small Arkansas town for more than a century. But after a fire in 2021, the beloved restaurant could have closed its doors for good. Instead, it reopened just months later thanks to friends all over the world.
Streaming Weekdays

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The Dish: Jones Bar-B-Q Diner
In our series "The Dish," we're taking you to one of America's oldest Black-owned restaurants. Jones Bar-B-Q Diner has been serving customers in a small Arkansas town for more than a century. But after a fire in 2021, the beloved restaurant could have closed its doors for good. Instead, it reopened just months later thanks to friends all over the world.
Streaming Weekdays