Season 3

Episode Guide

Grand Canyon or Bust

S3 E2
The Bradys convince the prospector that they are no threat to his fictional gold claim and continue their trip to Grand Canyon.

The Brady Braves

S3 E3
Mike meets with the young Native American's old-school grandfather, who has decried the boy's dreams of becoming an astronaut.

The Wheeler-Dealer

S3 E4
Greg gets his driver's license and his first set of wheels thanks to his fast-talking buddy.

My Sister Benedict Arnold

S3 E5
Greg and Marcia use their dates to get back at each other; the younger Brady siblings prepare for the school carnival by building a dunking tank.

The Personality Kid

S3 E6
Peter is convinced that he is lacking in personality when he becomes a wallflower at a friend's party.

Now A Word From our Sponsor

S3 E8
A hip director hires the Bradys (and Alice) to star in his latest project: A TV commercial for laundry detergent.

The Private Ear

S3 E9
Peter uses his father's tape recorder to snoop on his siblings' conversations, creating dissension in the household.

Her Sister's Shadow

S3 E10
Jan feels inadequate and desperate to find her own identity when all of her teachers rave about Marcia.


S3 E11
Despite Carol's concern he might be seriously injured, Greg earns a spot on the varsity football team.

Not So Rosed Colored Glasses

S3 E13
Jan's grades begin to worsen, and she takes someone else's bicycle from the park, a tipoff that she needs a vision exam.

The Teeter Totter Caper

S3 E14
Bobby and Cindy are asked by their older siblings to stay out of their way, then are told they weren't invited to their Aunt Gertrude's wedding.

Big Little Man

S3 E15
Bobby becomes self-conscious when he's the shortest one in the family, and becomes convinced he's going to remain height-challenged all his life.

The Big Bet

S3 E18
After Greg boasts that he can do twice as many pull ups as Bobby, the youngest Brady brother demands he put up or shut up.

Power of the Press

S3 E19
Peter joins the school newspaper staff, where he prints his classmates' names in an effort to impress them.

Sergeant Emma

S3 E20
When Alice goes on vacation, Cousin Emma - a sergeant from the Women's Army Corps - fills in.

The Fender Benders

S3 E23
A minor parking lot car accident involving the Bradys winds up in small claims court.