Season 3

Episode Guide

Uneasy Lies The Head

S3 E1
Season 3 premiere. A disgruntled Tommy mulls a very risky career change.

Things Badly Begun

S3 E2
Season 3. Tommy strong-arms the mayor for support in a development deal.

Let Rome Into Tiber Melt ...

S3 E3
Season 3. Tommy struggles with the political fallout from a tragic fire.

The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth

S3 E4
Season 3. The Labor Day holiday weekend finds Michael paranoid and edgy.

Give Me The Ocular Proof...

S3 E5
Season 3. Tommy presses Declan for information about his corruption probe.

The Chimes At Midnight

S3 E6
Season 3. Speaker Donatello draws Tommy back in to help pass the budget.

All The Interim Is Like A Phantasma

S3 E7
Season 3. Kath and Colin worry about Michael becoming suspicious of them.

Birnam Wood Comes To Dunsinane

S3 E8
Season 3 finale. Tommy becomes heir apparent for Speaker of the House.