Season 26

Episode Guide

Episode 1

S26 E1
Jul 18, 2024
Over the next two nights 16 strangers will embark on the journey of a lifetime; competing for 90 straight days in the ultimate social experiment! Throughout the summer they will battle for safety and power, navigating cutting edge twists and turns that drive the game. Each week they must evict one of their own.... and in the end only one Houseguest will claim the 750,000 dollar grand prize.

Episode 2

S26 E2
Jul 19, 2024
How will the second group of eight react to the Tech-tacular Twist? Plus... with two new competitions in play, who will win a secret game changing power? And who else's game will be downgraded?

Episode 3

S26 E3
Jul 22, 2024
Tonight the upgrade powers will be revealed, the first Head Of Household will be crowned, and A.I.N.S.L.E.Y has an atomic game changing announcement.

Episode 4

S26 E4
Jul 25, 2024
The houseguests compete to win the power of veto; during the veto meeting, the winner of the competition can keep nominations the same or save someone from eviction for the week.

Episode 5

S26 E5
Jul 26, 2024
Kimo, Matt, and Kenney enter the BB A.I. Arena. Who will win the inaugural game-changing competition? And which two Houseguests will remain on the Chopping Block? Who will be the first booted from BB 26!?

Episode 6

S26 E6
Jul 29, 2024
With Angela's reign of power over, who will become the new Head of Household and which three Houseguests will land on the chopping block? Plus, will Quinn unleash his secret deep fake HoH power?

Episode 7

S26 E7
Aug 1, 2024
Tonight, will the Power of Veto save one of the nominees? Plus, Angela once again finds herself in the center of some drama.

Episode 8

S26 E8
Aug 2, 2024
Angela, Lisa and Tucker go to battle in the AI Arena. Who will be saved from the block and which Houseguest will be evicted immediately after? Plus strap in, Angela's wild ride is far from over.

Episode 9

S26 E9
Aug 5, 2024
Who will take power as the new Head of Household, and who will be the next three on the chopping block? Plus, with two secret powers still in play anything can happen.

Episode 10

S26 E10
Aug 8, 2024
The Power of Veto is up for grabs! Will Tucker, Kenny, or Angela be saved from eviction? Plus, it all leads to the wildest, most unpredictable, and craziest veto meeting of all time.

Episode 11

S26 E11
Aug 9, 2024
America, who did you choose to be the third Nominee? Who will win in the A.I. Arena, and earn safety? Who will be the next evicted? Plus, the drama didn't stop at the Veto Meeting... it was just getting started!

Episode 12

S26 E12
Aug 12, 2024
The Head of Household is back up for grabs. Who will ascend to greatness, and which three Houseguests will become their prey? Plus its Quinn's last chance to use his deepfake HoH power, will he activate his upgrade?

Episode 13

S26 E13
Aug 14, 2024
Jag, Taylor, and Cody will use their expertise to analyze BB26. What's their take on some of the most jaw dropping moments, how did we get to this point in the game, and where do they think this season will go from here? Plus what game changing surprise will be revealed to the former winners?

Episode 14

S26 E14
Aug 15, 2024
The Power of Veto is on the line, with the house against Tucker it's a do or die competition for the Boston boy. Who will win the golden power?

Episode 15

S26 E15
Aug 16, 2024
Makensy, Rubina, and Cedric enter the AI Arena to battle for safety! Who will come off the Block? And which two will face eviction? What is the AI Instigator?

Episode 16

S26 E16
Aug 19, 2024
Watch the insane chaos you missed from Cedrics shocking eviction, then it's the BB classic wall comp. Who will survive the ultimate test of endurance and become the new Head of Household? Plus three houseguests hit the block.

Episode 17

S26 E17
Aug 22, 2024
The power of Veto is on the line. Will one of the nominees be saved? Plus, it's another shocking Veto meeting.

Episode 18

S26 E18
Aug 23, 2024
Three Pentagon members go to battle in the BB A.I. Arena! Who will earn safety? Which two will face Eviction? Is there yet another blindside brewing?

Episode 19

S26 E19
Aug 26, 2024
Which new Houseguest will rise to power as the Head of Household, and who will they throw up on the chopping block? Plus America, which Houseguest did you choose to be the A.I. Instigator?

Episode 20

S26 E20
Aug 29, 2024
The Veto is on the line in a classic competition with prizes and punishments. Plus, America chose Tucker to be the A.I. Instigator and he already caused turmoil. So what will Tucker instigate next, and will chaos ensue once again at the Veto meeting?

Episode 21

S26 E21
Aug 30, 2024
Tucker, Angela, and Makensy enter the BB A.I. Arena! Will Tucker save himself for a third time by dominating the digital domain? Or will Angela, or Makensy come off the Block? And who will be sent packing? Plus, is the Tubina show-mance in trouble?

Episode 22

S26 E22
Sep 2, 2024
With Tucker gone, the game resets. Who will rise to the occasion and become the new Head of Household? And which three Houseguests will end up on the chopping block?

Episode 23

S26 E23
Sep 5, 2024
The Power of Veto is on the line, who will find light in the darkness and win the golden power?

Episode 24

S26 E24
Sep 6, 2024
Joseph, Rubina, and Kimo enter the A.I. Arena! Who will be saved from the Block? And who will be next sent packing? Plus, how will Ainsley change up the game?