Season 2

Episode Guide

Surrogate Families

S2 E1
If mom isn't around, a surrogate family can provide the care needed to help young animals reach the next stage of life.

Herd Mentality

S2 E2
Hanging with the herd fends off predators, helps with mating, and makes it easier to bring up baby.

Endangered Species

S2 E3
Through the efforts of zoos and conservation groups, many endangered animals are hanging on to hope.

Joined at the Hip

S2 E4
Many newborn mammals are entirely dependent on their moms until they're old enough to learn how to fend for themselves.

Offbeat Adaptations

S2 E5
Features that seem strange to us are often incredibly useful adaptations that help young animals survive.

Primate Families

S2 E6
Our stories diverged millions of years ago, but humans and other primates still have much in common.