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Life Partners
Colin Guinn and Christie Woods
Previous season: The Amazing Race 5
Colin Guinn
Age: 38
Instagram: @colinguinn
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Current occupation: Tech Entrepreneur
Describe what you do: We help companies develop/bring new technologies and innovations to market… primarily in drones, autonomous robotics, and emerging technologies.
Three words to describe you: Loving, energetic, and capable.
Favorite hobbies: Surfing, standup paddling, mountain biking, hiking, auto racing, dancing, sailing, camping, yoga, snowboarding, building, and flying drones.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Co-creating a beautiful life with Christie, our two beautiful boys, Achilles and Cruz, a successful career doing what I love with people that I love, and a daily practice that allows me to maintain high vibrations.
What scares you most about traveling?
Sitting in the middle seat in coach.
What excites you most about traveling?
Getting to experience other cultures and people around the world and witnessing their way of life first hand… seeing how different their culture can be, while at the same time recognizing how similar we all are at the core.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Antarctica, because of the wildlife.
What do you hope to accomplish by running the Race with your partner (other than winning one million bucks)?
Watching myself run The Amazing Race 15 years ago gave me the opportunity to look in on myself from the outside and see just how unconscious and full of ego my behavior was. Since then, I have done many years of work to broaden my perspective and come from a more loving and collaborative mindset. I hope to enter this engineered reality that is designed to bring on extreme stress and reduce resilience and apply the principles and practices that have transformed my daily life to see if they can help me have a much more harmonious experience while still being every bit as competitive as we were the first time around.
Who do you think will be your biggest competition: Racers, Houseguests, or Castaways?
Racers, without a doubt. The Amazing Race is very different than the other shows in that the competitors are out in the real world having to navigate countries with different cultures and language, dealing with uncontrollable flight delays, lack of sleep, jet lag, etc. I think the people who have experienced that before, and proved to be successful in that environment, will be our biggest competition.
Christie Woods
Age: 40
Instagram: @christiewoods1
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Current occupation: Integrated Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach
Describe what you do: I use my intuitive abilities and energetic healing tools to help clients process past trauma stuck in the body often keeping them in a constant loop of mediocre relationships and life experiences. I combine traditional “top down” talk therapy with a more somatic “bottom up” approach utilizing various types of breath-work, sound healing, meditation, and Reiki in order to encourage my clients to go deep within the self to uncover and/or simply release thought patterns no longer serving their best and highest good. I invite them to reclaim their sovereignty by reconnecting with their own internal emotional guidance system; thus, becoming a more expressed human, free of cultural and familial programming, inspired to live their own authentic truth.
Three words to describe you: Adventurous, curious, and fun.
Favorite hobbies: Hiking, yoga, travel, reading, camping, wake-surfing, snowboarding, paddle boarding, slack-lining, dancing, and playing hide-and-go-seek with my kids.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Raising my boys and up-leveling my relationship with Colin.
What scares you most about traveling?
Losing my passport.
What excites you most about traveling?
Seeing the world, and experiencing new people and different cultures.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Africa—the motherland! I enjoyed our visit on Season 5 very much, and would LOVE to go back!
What do you hope to accomplish by running the Race with your partner (other than winning one million bucks)?
Even more intimacy, connection, fun, and… expansion!!
Who do you think will be your biggest competition: Racers, Houseguests, or Castaways?
Racers for sure!!
Colin Guinn
Age: 38
Instagram: @colinguinn
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Current occupation: Tech Entrepreneur
Describe what you do: We help companies develop/bring new technologies and innovations to market… primarily in drones, autonomous robotics, and emerging technologies.
Three words to describe you: Loving, energetic, and capable.
Favorite hobbies: Surfing, standup paddling, mountain biking, hiking, auto racing, dancing, sailing, camping, yoga, snowboarding, building, and flying drones.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Co-creating a beautiful life with Christie, our two beautiful boys, Achilles and Cruz, a successful career doing what I love with people that I love, and a daily practice that allows me to maintain high vibrations.
What scares you most about traveling?
Sitting in the middle seat in coach.
What excites you most about traveling?
Getting to experience other cultures and people around the world and witnessing their way of life first hand… seeing how different their culture can be, while at the same time recognizing how similar we all are at the core.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Antarctica, because of the wildlife.
What do you hope to accomplish by running the Race with your partner (other than winning one million bucks)?
Watching myself run The Amazing Race 15 years ago gave me the opportunity to look in on myself from the outside and see just how unconscious and full of ego my behavior was. Since then, I have done many years of work to broaden my perspective and come from a more loving and collaborative mindset. I hope to enter this engineered reality that is designed to bring on extreme stress and reduce resilience and apply the principles and practices that have transformed my daily life to see if they can help me have a much more harmonious experience while still being every bit as competitive as we were the first time around.
Who do you think will be your biggest competition: Racers, Houseguests, or Castaways?
Racers, without a doubt. The Amazing Race is very different than the other shows in that the competitors are out in the real world having to navigate countries with different cultures and language, dealing with uncontrollable flight delays, lack of sleep, jet lag, etc. I think the people who have experienced that before, and proved to be successful in that environment, will be our biggest competition.
Christie Woods
Age: 40
Instagram: @christiewoods1
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Current occupation: Integrated Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach
Describe what you do: I use my intuitive abilities and energetic healing tools to help clients process past trauma stuck in the body often keeping them in a constant loop of mediocre relationships and life experiences. I combine traditional “top down” talk therapy with a more somatic “bottom up” approach utilizing various types of breath-work, sound healing, meditation, and Reiki in order to encourage my clients to go deep within the self to uncover and/or simply release thought patterns no longer serving their best and highest good. I invite them to reclaim their sovereignty by reconnecting with their own internal emotional guidance system; thus, becoming a more expressed human, free of cultural and familial programming, inspired to live their own authentic truth.
Three words to describe you: Adventurous, curious, and fun.
Favorite hobbies: Hiking, yoga, travel, reading, camping, wake-surfing, snowboarding, paddle boarding, slack-lining, dancing, and playing hide-and-go-seek with my kids.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?
Raising my boys and up-leveling my relationship with Colin.
What scares you most about traveling?
Losing my passport.
What excites you most about traveling?
Seeing the world, and experiencing new people and different cultures.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why?
Africa—the motherland! I enjoyed our visit on Season 5 very much, and would LOVE to go back!
What do you hope to accomplish by running the Race with your partner (other than winning one million bucks)?
Even more intimacy, connection, fun, and… expansion!!
Who do you think will be your biggest competition: Racers, Houseguests, or Castaways?
Racers for sure!!