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Jessica "Jessie" Lynn Shields

Age: 28
Hometown: Howland, Ohio
Current Occupation: K-9 Police Officer at Youngstown Police Department in Youngstown, Ohio.
Teammate: Francesca Piccoli

Describe what you do: I do drug and gun interdiction and respond to priority calls for service: burglaries, robberies, homicides, alarm drops.

3 words to describe you: Positive, happy and extrovert.

Favorite hobbies: Bench pressing, squatting and dead lifting. I also enjoy shooting guns and sleeping.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? The accomplishment I am most proud of is becoming Youngstown Police Department's first female K-9 handler.

What scares you most about traveling? What scares me the most about traveling is reading maps.

What excites you most about traveling? What excites me the most about traveling is seeing the world and experiencing different cultures.

What qualities do you hope your partner has? I hope my partner is a male, can read a map and isn't emotional...because I am as emotional as 15 women put together.

What qualities will be hard for you to put up with in a partner? It would be difficult for me to be a partner with someone who is negative.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge you and your teammate face? I think the biggest challenges my partner and I will face will be the traveling itself due to language barriers, deciding whether to take a taxi or a bus and reading foreign maps.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I would most like to visit Italy because of the history, culture and of course food.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? Other than winning one million dollars, I hope to accomplish breaking out of my comfort zone. Traveling, especially without a phone or GPS, has never been a strong suit of mine.

Follow on Instagram: @JessieLynnShields