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Jenn Lee

Age: 25
Hometown: Palos Verdes, Calif.
Current occupation: Professional Model
Teammate: Kevin Ng

Describe what you do: Hang out in front of cameras :)

3 words to describe you: Spontaneous, confident and weird.

Favorite hobbies: Swimming in any sort of body of water, running down the beach, hiking with my boxer, Bronson, and anything outdoorsy or crazy, I'm in!

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Besides work stuff like being featured in Esquire and winning Miss Korea California, camping out in the Amazon Jungle for three days and building my own "tent" which consisted of a piece of plastic above my head and a piece of plastic on the walls. I was eaten alive, but, hey, I survived!

What scares you most about traveling? Losing my passport. It's happened before...was a complete nightmare! Good thing I have both a U.S. and Australian passport!

What excites you most about traveling? Getting to see what else is out there and really experiencing life.

What qualities do you hope your partner has? I hope my partner is strong, smart and shares the same passion to run and conquer the Race. Also, I hope he's a dude. I tend to work better with males, especially in competitive situations like the Race, because our level of thinking is similar, to the point and less emotional.

What qualities will be hard for you to put up with in a partner? If they don't share the same drive to win and to travel. Besides that, I'm easy to work with and always take into consideration the other person's perspective/opinions...unless they are dumb, then no. Just kidding!

What do you think will be the biggest challenge you and your teammate face? Being on the same page. Also anything that may involve being trapped because I'm legit claustrophobic.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why? South Africa because I've been DYING to go diving with great white sharks! It's an absolute dream of mine!!!!! They are my favorite animals and I swear I probably was a great white in my past life...

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? Make unforgettable memories! Just being given the chance to run the Race is a serious accomplishment in itself!

Follow on Twitter: @_jennlee_
Follow on Instagram: @jennleezy