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Joey Covino

Age: 46
Hometown: Boston, Mass.
Current occupation: Police Sergeant
Teammate: Tara Carr

Describe what you do: Patrol Supervisor; Officer in Charge of the Department's Honor Guard Unit; Motorcycle Officer

3 words to describe you: Dedicated, quick-witted and unfiltered.

Favorite hobbies: Ice Hockey, running and being a dad.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I am most proud of being a good father.

What scares you most about traveling? Absolutely nothing scares me.

What excites you most about traveling? Experiencing the different histories of places throughout the world excites me.

What qualities do you hope your partner has? That they have heart, and use every ounce of it! That they accept the situation, deal with it and move on. They don't have the words I can't in their vocabulary.

What qualities will be hard for you to put up with in a partner? A quitter or a complainer.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge you and your teammate face? Space-walking?

What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I’d like to visit anywhere in Italy. I'm an American of Irish-Italian decent and have been to pretty much every country on my bucket list with the exception of Italy. I'd really like to experience my Italian heritage much like I did when I visited Ireland.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? If we finish in the final three, then I will have accomplished what I set out to do. Winning overall would be unbelievable! But if we finish The Race, personally, I will win, for my children, my family and for me. I didn't run the Boston Marathon 12 times to win; I ran to finish the most prestigious marathon in the world. How many people can say that? How many people can say they finished The Amazing Race? I want to experience the whole Race and all it has to offer!

Follow on Twitter: @JoeyCovino3
Follow on Instagram: @joeycovino