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Jessica Versteeg & Brittany Oldehoff

Name: Jessica VerSteeg
Age: 28
Twitter: @JessVerSteeg
Instagram: JessVerSteeg
YouTube: Jessica Versteeg

How many total followers do you have across all platforms? 29,000

Hometown: Oskaloosa, Iowa

Connection to your teammate: Best friends

Current occupation: Professional model

Describe what you do: I smile for the camera.

3 words to describe you: Diligent, loyal and sarcastic.

Favorite hobbies: Rock climbing

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Winning Miss Iowa U.S. and placing top 10 in Miss United States.

What scares you most about traveling? Losing my passport.

What excites you most about traveling? Eating the local foods and meeting new people.

Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: I think our biggest challenge will be directions or getting a bad cab.

Pet peeve about your teammate: Sometimes Britt just acts before thinking.

What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I would like to see the Northern Lights either in Alaska, the northern part of Canada, the southern half of Greenland, Iceland, Northern part of Norway, Sweden, or Finland …. I don’t care where, I just want to see the lights.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I would love to explore the world with locals.

Name: Brittany Oldehoff
Age: 26
Twitter: @brittoldehoff
Instagram: brittanyoldehoff
Facebook: Brittany Oldehoff

How many total followers do you have across all platforms? 100,000

Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Connection to your teammate: Best friend

Current occupation: Professional model

Describe what you do: Print, commercial, catalog, television, movies, etc.

3 words to describe you: Bubbly, determined and funny.

Favorite hobbies: Dancing, going to the movies, karaoke and laser tag.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? It's a toss up between my GQ magazine cover and placing 4th runner up at Miss USA 2014.

What scares you most about traveling? Getting "taken."

What excites you most about traveling? Getting to see new places and meeting new people. Also, the food!

Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We are pretty well rounded in all of the aspects of the race, but I do think that figuring out directions could throw us off.

Pet peeve about your teammate: She is terrible with directions. (Love you Jess)

What country and place would you most like to visit and why? South Africa, I have been dying to go there for years.

What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to have an amazing memory with a close friend that will last me a lifetime. It's all about having a great experience!