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Tim Tsao & Te Jay McGrath

Timothy Tsao
Age: 23
Hometown: South Pasadena, California
Connection to your teammate: Dating
Current occupation: Flight Attendant
Describe what you do: Depending on the flight, I am a sky server, nurse, entertainer, mediator and safety professional. To put it simply, I get paid to serve Coke and look cute doing it.
3 words to describe you: Creative, competitive and sassy.
Favorite hobbies: Fashion, home decor, gardening and reptiles.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being able to pursue two of my passions as careers: traveling and event planning.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Ryan Seacrest because he does it all!!
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Britney Spears, a beautiful hot mess who's a little bit country at heart. She's a performer and that's what Te Jay does best!
What scares you most about traveling? Nothing, really. I do it for a living. It's literally what keeps me going everyday.
What excites you most about traveling? Exploring other cultures and meeting amazing people along the way.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: I could probably talk to him in a nicer tone… ok, so I'm a bit bossy and controlling... at times, but other than that we’re pretty good.
Pet peeve about your teammate: Two words: blonde moment.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? Greece. I’ve always had a fascination with their architecture and food! And those boys!
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? Traveling the world with my best friend and life partner. It's really time to introduce the world to Tim + Te Jay, the fabulous couple (hair flip).

Name: Te Jay McGrath
Age: 24
Hometown: Pasadena, Calif.
Connection to your teammate: Dating
Current occupation: Server/Female Impersonator
Describe what you do: When I'm not serving upscale Japanese Vegan sushi to L.A.’s pickiest clientele, you can find me serving glamorous fishy realness as Tia Wanna!
3 words to describe you: Charming, dorky and friendly.
Favorite hobbies: Performing in Drag, karaoke and board games/word puzzles.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Making it onto “The Amazing Race” with my partner.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? John Leguizamo
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Bryan Boy (from ANTM)
What scares you most about traveling? Missing my flight, getting lost and getting mugged!
What excites you most about traveling? New foods! New faces! New memories!
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: The Race can only better our relationship. Nothing bad can come from it.
Pet peeve about your teammate: He likes to argue with me in public. I HATE IT!
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? South Korea! I want to see where my mother grew up and eat authentic Korean food!
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to be challenged physically and mentally and taken out of my comfort zone.