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Maya Warren & Amy DeJong

Maya Warren
Age: 29
Hometown: Madison, Wisc.
Connection to your teammate: Lab Mate and friend
Current occupation: Ph.D. Student (Food Science) at The University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Describe what you do: I research the microstructure, behavioral and sensorial properties of ice cream and other frozen-aerated treats.
3 words to describe you: Highly motivated, spiritual and energetic.
Favorite hobbies: Traveling, exploring new cultures, meeting new people, anything involving ice cream and working out/running!
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Discovering my passion in life (anything involving ice cream) and being able to do what I love and love what I do every day. It’s a beautiful thing.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope) gets down to business and commands a room with ease. Great sense of style, knows how to have fun, intuitive, graceful and self-confident.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Mayim Bialik, both on and off of “The Big Bang Theory.” Number one, Mayim (yes, we are on a first name basis) and Amy resemble each other and have many similar mannerisms and personality traits. Both are smart, goofy, curious, intelligent, driven and knowledgeable of random things.
What scares you most about traveling? Having to get one too many shots. I believe pain is weakness leaving the body but shots just don’t do it for me!
What excites you most about traveling? Being introduced to new cultures, people, experiences and opportunities beyond what I can imagine. I also enjoy learning, growing, building memories and trying new ice creams/frozen desserts!
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: The biggest challenge we will face on the Race will most likely be over-thinking situations and challenges. As scientists we have learned to be very analytical.
Pet peeve about your teammate: Amy talks a lot. So do I, but sometimes she talks at times when we need to focus on the task at hand and/or about something totally unrelated, getting us off task.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? Pretty much any place I have not been! I love to travel and will visit anyplace if given the opportunity to do so!
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to grow our bond outside of the lab. I also hope to show the world that scientists are more than just lab coats, beakers and goggles. Lastly, I hope to inspire others to pursue something they have always wanted to do… that is what the Race is for me!

Name: Amy DeJong
Age: 24
Hometown: Madison, Wisc.
Connection to your teammate: Lab Mate and friend
Current occupation: Ph.D. Student (Food Science) at The University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Describe what you do: I am a Ph.D. student in food science studying polyol (sugar-free sweetener) crystallization in confectionery products.
3 words to describe you: Logical, sarcastic and curious.
Favorite hobbies: Exploring new restaurants, food science, running and volleyball.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I had an “experiment gone wrong” incident during one of my internships that surprisingly turned into something really interesting that the company wanted to pursue further. It was one of those moments that made me realize why I love science.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Leonard from “The Big Bang Theory” (obviously a female version and into food science, not physics).
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Kerry Washington.
What scares you most about traveling? Getting lost. I don't always have the best sense of direction (don't tell Maya!).
What excites you most about traveling? Seeing the rest of the world. I really have not done much international travel and cannot wait to see what else is out there and try all of the delicious foods!
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We will have to rely on each other in ways that we haven't before. Our most important responsibilities (research) are independent from each other; this will not be the case on the Race!
Pet peeve about your teammate: She can be SO picky. She yells at me when I drink coffee or open the refrigerator in our office. She says that the smells bother her which is ridiculous. It's like living with a crazy person.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? The Galapagos Islands. There are so many unique landforms, animals and plants. Plus, it is a tropical place with gorgeous beaches and a rich scientific history.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I want to prove to myself and the world that scientists are more than beakers and lab coats. I also hope to grow our relationship outside of lab, most of what we do centers around food science and our research.