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Tim and Danny

Name: Tim Wiyninger
Age: 26
Hometown: Cordell, Okla.
Connection to your teammate: Best Friend
Current occupation: Oilfield Plant Operator
Describe what you do: As a bulk plant operator, I load bulk chemicals onto trucks that go out to location. Also, with as many crews that we run, I have to forecast on how much chemicals need to be ordered to start and finish a job.
3 words to describe you: Happy, funny and outgoing.
Favorite hobbies: Golf, attending sporting events and road trips.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? The birth of my son and being able to provide for my family.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Will Ferrell, because he’s funny, kind-hearted and loves everyone.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Owen Wilson, because he’s funny and a ladies man.
What scares you most about traveling? Seeing people in other countries who are less fortunate and not being able to help.
What excites you most about traveling? Going to places I have never been before and making new memories with people I love.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We always believe that neither of us are wrong. Instead of listening to his argument, I just tell him my points. I hope I can be a better listener so I can respond to his points rather than hearing what I want to hear.
Pet peeve about your teammate: He spends too much time in front of the mirror.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I would like to go to Australia. It would be amazing to visit the outback and see animals in their natural habitats.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I have never been overseas. Being able to travel the world and to see new things that I never thought would be possible.

Name: Daniel “Danny” Merkey
Age: 25
Hometown: Cordell, Okla.
Connection to your teammate: Best Friend
Current occupation: Oil Field Operator
Describe what you do: In the bulk plant my job is to blend various cements for oil rigs in the field. I also have to keep track and maintain any and all cements and additives used in the blending.
3 words to describe you: Cute, funny and brave.
Favorite hobbies: Fishing, golfing and Thunder Basketball.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? The birth of my daughter. A close second is taking 3rd in state in wrestling with a torn ACL.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Mark Wahlberg - tough and gritty but also hilarious.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Vince Vaughan – he is a fast talking ladies’ man but has a big heart.
What scares you most about traveling? I love traveling for the most part. I’m not a big fan of the ocean. Just something about not knowing what’s out there makes me nervous.
What excites you most about traveling? Seeing new cultures, sites and learning about different ways of life.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: Tim and I are both very headstrong and sometimes argue about the simplest things to prove the other wrong. To win we will have to put that aside at times and trust each other.
Pet peeve about your teammate: His dirty car. When we go to lunch we never take his car because I can’t fit in the passenger seat with all the junk.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I have always wanted to see Rome with all the history and culture it has to offer.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? This is a once in a lifetime chance to see the world and make new friends.