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Leo and Jamal

Name: Leo Temory
Age: 26
Hometown: Los Angeles
Connection to your teammate: Cousin
Current occupation: Entrepreneur/Restaurateur
Describe what you do: I own and operate a restaurant and recently opened a bar/lounge..
3 words to describe you: Smart, funny and friendly.
Favorite hobbies: Hiking, traveling, tennis and cooking.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Climbing Mt. Whitney, the highest summit in the contiguous United States, with no prior experience.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Bill Gates
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Kobe Bryant
What scares you most about traveling? Missing my flight or a bad taxi.
What excites you most about traveling? Meeting and interacting with different cultures.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: Sometimes my cousin doesn’t listen or take my advice or direction to heart. I want to show him that I mean well and have him listen and be patient with me.
Pet peeve about your teammate: That he is very secretive and sometimes isn’t serious enough.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? Venezuela, because the women are beautiful in South America.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to become closer to my cousin and show the entire world that Afghans are great, fun people and not just what we are portrayed in the media.

Name: Jamal Zadran
Age: 26
Hometown: Los Angeles
Connection to your teammate: Cousin
Current occupation: CEO/Owner of Z.I.G. (Zadran Investment Group)
Describe what you do: I manage and operate Zadran Investment Group (Z.I.G.) where we own our own Independent Dealership to sell cars to the public. Z.I.G. also buys and flips homes in the Southern California area and operates as a Reality Firm to the Public. Part of my Investment Group also manages Equity Portfolios with trading of stocks, bonds and forex, and options.
3 words to describe you: Persistent, confident and energetic.
Favorite hobbies: Jet skiing, paintball and boogie boarding.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Working in Afghanistan for two years with the U.S. Military.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Kobe Bryant – competitor and champion.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Albert Einstein – his ideas are efficient and usually right.
What scares you most about traveling? A bird hitting the aircraft and the plane crashing.
What excites you most about traveling? Seeing the different cultural customs people have and being able to try it out with them if allowed. To interact with and actually leave a life-lasting memory to somebody across the world would give me a feeling of making some type of difference in their life even if it’s only for a short time.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We need to trust one another more often and not be too stubborn. Sometimes we may need to agree to disagree and not bicker a lot.
Pet peeve about your teammate: He’s very sensitive to things I may say to him or when I critique him.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? Kenya, because of the natural wildlife. I’m a big cat fanatic and love the characteristics. To see them in the wild would be nice.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? To have more patience with one another and get through all challenges and obstacles with Leo. Though it will be difficult, the ultimate feeling should be worth it.