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Jaymes and James

Name: Jaymes Vaughan
Age: 30
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nev.
Connection to your teammate: Chippendales/Best friend
Current occupation: Chippendales MC
Describe what you do: I am the host and singer for the Las Vegas show, Chippendales.
Favorite hobbies: Singing, making money and bargain shopping.
3 words to describe you: Motivated, bossy and resourceful.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Graduating from college with honors after changing my major six times.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Ryan Seacrest, because he is also a hustler.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? The Incredible Hulk.
What scares you most about traveling? Getting stuck next to smelly people or really big people (cause I’m super tall) on really long plane rides.
What excites you most about traveling? Seeing the world! It is so big and I want to see it all!
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: We don’t have any, that’s why we are going to win!
Pet peeve about your teammate: He has a very short fuse.
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? I want to see the pyramids in Egypt. I’ve wanted to go ever since I was a kid.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? We always complain that we don’t get to hang out enough so we will finally get some quality time.
Name: James Davis
Age: 27
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nev.
Connection to your teammate: Chippendales/Best friend
Current occupation: Chippendale Dancer
Describe what you do: I dance and play guitar for the #1 male review in the world.
Favorite hobbies: Playing guitar, weight training and reading.
3 words to describe you: Resourceful, creative and ambitious.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Beating out thousands of other potential lead dancers for Chippendales.
What famous person reminds you of yourself? Jim Morrison, because he is a party animal.
What famous person reminds you of your teammate? Paul Walker and Martha Stewart.
What scares you most about traveling? Being stuck in excessive turbulence. I'm a little bit of a nervous flyer.
What excites you most about traveling? Getting to explore a new place and meet interesting people.
Biggest challenge you and your teammate will face on The Race together: Sometimes he can be a control freak.
Pet peeve about your teammate: It can be hard to get a word in a conversation when Jaymes is on a roll!
What country and place would you most like to visit and why? Greece! There is beautiful architecture and tons of history.
What do you hope to accomplish by running The Race (other than winning one million bucks)? I hope to take away some incredible memories from this experience, but let’s be real, I want that fat stack of cash!