Episode Guide

Season 1

Episode Guide

Aurora, Colorado

S1 E1
Recounting the 2012 shooting in Aurora, CO. Documentary series premiere.

San Bernardino, California

S1 E2
A shocked community in San Bernardino, CA responds to homegrown terrorism.

Charleston, South Carolina

S1 E3
In the aftermath of a shooting, Charleston, SC struggles with forgiveness.

Washington, D.C.

S1 E4
Stories of heroism during the 2013 shooting at the Washington Navy Yard.

Orlando, Florida

S1 E5
An attack at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, FL leaves a community traumatized.

Santa Monica, California

S1 E6
A shooter's path through Santa Monica, CA leads to a deadly confrontation.

Oak Creek, Wisconsin

S1 E7
A deadly attack on a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI transforms a community.

Columbine, Colorado

S1 E8
Exploring the school attack in Littleton, CO. Documentary series finale.