Season 4

Episode Guide

Until a Certain Point

S4 E1
The old Shores meet the new generation, and together, they take the vacation of a lifetime. But the beginning will be different for everyone, especially for Mane and Jawy.

A Very Normal Family

S4 E2
In the midst of general uncertainty due to Mane not being around and the lack of connection between Potro and Danik and Jawy and Gaby, the Shores will receive the most unexpected visit.

Uy, But How Good! Part 1

S4 E3
At the house, things with Brenda are flowing, the new members are getting more and more comfortable and the vacation is going well. The Shores can't wait for Mane to arrive and to see what happens between Jawy and Gaby.

Uy, But How Good! Part 2

S4 E4
The life of a hot guy isn't easy; Victor should know because he keeps getting into one problem after another.

Go for It!

S4 E5
Joined by the De La Espriella twins, the Shores travel to Medellin. Not even the good news about the trip can keep Mane and Julian's past from affecting the Chikis' relationship.

The Proof of True Love

S4 E6
The Shores enjoy a crazy night in Colombia. They say goodbye to Medellin as they return to the Riviera, where they receive another surprise.

Aunt Brenda

S4 E7
Tadeo's visit brings a breath of fresh air to the house, although it's short-lived and the debauchery prevails.

The Queen is Back

S4 E8
The Riviera is on fire and the Shore group can't catch a break. In the middle of it all, Potro and Karime sign a pact to maintain the peace in their friendship.

Wandering Knight Victor

S4 E9
Due to problems with his family in Mexico, Tony decides to leave the house. When Tadeo realizes there is a free room, he changes his schedule and announces to the group that he will be staying for the rest of the vacation.

Aguardiente Shore

S4 E10
Mane and Jawy's relationship is hanging by a thread. Despite their love, they will say things to each other that are difficult to forgive.

Coastal Pin&%$

S4 E11
Letters, pacts, galas, punches and other things don't let the group realize the obvious, the vacation is ending.

Antonio Leaves

S4 E12
The vacation has come to an end and the Shores say goodbye without knowing if they will ever be together again, but they're sure that they had an unforgettable vacation.